woensdag 14 september 2011

Day 16 - 5670 m

Call from the team : The team reached 5670 m today, they fixed ropes along a ridge. The phone is not working in ABC. They are on their way back down to BC as the weather will not be good thursday and friday, they will rest there. Everybody is well.

Some extra news (from another team member, Coen): Today the weather is beautiful and on the photo (page 'Mountain') you can see where they are, at 5670 m: it's the place on the left, where the ridge starts, which, with the ropes, is ready for climbing now. The team has also finished setting up ABC, so they are ready to start their climb from there. After descending, some days of resting and getting ready in BC the next days, the team will go up to ABC and will probably try to climb the summit this weekend which will take one or two days, depending on conditions such as weather. Joost and Jaelah are still below, at 4000 m, because they acclimatize slowly and need some more time. When I asked Coen how it was like to be up there, he smiled and could say nothing but 'overwhelming', and we can be pretty sure that counts for the rest of the team as well.

Er hebben meerdere teamleden gebeld. Alles gaat voorspoedig, het gaat goed met iedereen en het weer is vandaag prachtig. Het team is nu op 5670 m hoogte, waar de sneeuwgraat begint (op de foto bij tabblad 'Mountain' te zien aan de linkerkant). Ze hebben daar touwen geplaatst, dus het eerste deel van de top is klaar om geklommen te worden. Het ABC is nu ook helemaal afgebouwd, dus ook dat is klaar voor de klim. Vandaag gaan ze weer naar beneden, terug naar het basiskamp, waar ze de komende dagen zullen uitrusten aangezien het weer gaat verslechteren; nog veel belangrijker is dat ze zich dan kunnen klaarmaken voor de toppoging. Waarschijnlijk zal het team dit weekend de top proberen te klimmen, een tocht die een of twee dagen zal duren, afhankelijk van condities zoals het weer. Joost en Jaelah zijn nog beneden, op 4000 m, omdat zij langzaam acclimatiseren en meer tijd nodig hebben. De telefoon in het ABC werkt overigens niet, de andere wel. Toen ik Coen vroeg hoe het was om daar te zijn, lachte hij en was het enige wat in hem opkwam 'overweldigend', en we kunnen er wel vanuit gaan dat dat voor het hele team geldt.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello ladies! You're doing such a great job with the updates. I'm so happy with this news. Thank you so much. Kind regards, Liz.

  2. I can only agree with my sister-in-law Liz ;) Thanks al lot for the updates, it helps not to worry tooo much..
    Hartelijke groet van Floortje (zusje van Luuk)

  3. This is a pleasure, I tried to put every little piece of news Ski gave me, cause even short is better than nothing ! My English might not always be the best, but i am relying on you for a good one translation in Dutch ! Between all of us we should be updated in a good way ! Good to know they are in BC for the bad weather and for the extra message from Coen as well. All the best Sandrine from France

  4. Hi Sandrine, you're welcome, I've spoken to Coen on the phone for about five minutes this morning so he gave me quite some news. I have never been happier to hear his voice. You're right, it's good to be updated like this, it indeed helps not to worry too much, imagine doing all this without today's technology... Anyway, the expedition is half way through, and I'm sorry for our men but we can start counting the days!
    Best regards, Annemart. (Coen's girlfriend)

  5. Hi all! Bas called me also this morning and I heard the same news. I was also really happy to hear from him. I'm really excited for them and am happy it's going well. Love the updates! I'll try to translate them when it needs to.

    Best regards, Thao (Bas's girlfriend)

  6. Hello all of you!

    Joost didn't call, but hey... he is busy walking up and down that mountain just to get acclimatised! I guess he is having 5 course dinners with Jaelah at 4000 mtrs! haha :-)
    Groetjes aan iedereen, Shirley (Joost's wife)

  7. You're funny, Shirley. I hope you are keeping well. Your little girl must be missing her papa so much. I always remember your (wise) advice that worrying doesn't help any. So, I simply keep positive and excited for our partners. (Although a little prayer never hurts;). Warm regards, Liz.
